What We Do

Key to how we work is to help you simplify and articulate the problem and define a tangible and realistic plan to implement and deliver your desired people and business outcomes.

But we do so much more.

At These 3 Things, we believe in the power of focus and simplicity.

We understand that the complexities of running a business can often obscure the path to growth and profitability. That’s why our approach is centered on identifying those critical activities that will have the greatest tangible impact on your business.

Additionally, we recognize that client organisations, large and small, are at different stages of maturity with regard to their own growth or transformation programme. One size does not fit all and the standard consulting playbook is not what our clients really need. 

Our simple approach and flexible model will identify what is right for you, and only when you need it.

Our Services

When it comes to making change and achieving growth, there’s no one-size-fits-all model. We keep our capabilities robust and flexible, able to fit your business needs, company industry, and growth goals.

We transform critical areas such as:


Find out more about our Grow Fearlessly service.


Find out more about our Scale Intelligently service.


Find out more about our Consolidate Confidently service.

Three rules of work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

Albert Einstein

How We Do It